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我们的设计均基于准确的科学考察以及最新的化石研究信息。该信息由与我们独家合作的 Gavin Prideaux教授团队带领的南澳弗林德大学古生物学研究实验室提供。



Our Australian Mega Fauna

Common Name                          Scientific Name


Giant Goanna                             Megalania

Giant Horned Tortoise                Ninjemys Oweni

Mihirung Bird                              Genyornis newtoni

Marsupial Rhino                          Diprotodon

Marsupial Hippo                         Zygomaturus

Giant Wombat                             Phascolonus Gigas

Giant Kangaroo                           Procoptodon

Marsupial Lion                            Thylacoleo

Rainbow Serpent                        Wonambi

Giant Crocodile                           Pallimnarchus       

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Communities of Australia and respect the view of these communities. We acknowledge the special relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have with their traditional lands and waters as well as the unique history and diverse culture, customs and circumstances. 

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